Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Introducing - Track & Field Trundling

I love my running. The open air, the freedom, the sense of achievement (neatly forgetting the agony) - I love everything about the sport of long distance running. So much so, that it's been a huge part of my life for past decade in terms of competing, training and volunteering.

It must be said however that I'm not exactly the world’s greatest runner, my 20-21 minute runs at Banstead Woods ParkRun are hardly going to get the National selector’s juices flowing. In fact it is fair to say that when it comes to describing my ability level, I’m very much in the middle of pack (and that’s on a good day).

This sport however never fails to disappoint in my opinion and is full of twists, turns and new challenges every time we step out for a training run. And in essence that’s why I’ve decided to start this blog, to try and capture what it is like in grass roots athletics/running, and to give a view from the back/middle/lower middle (delete as appropriate...) of the pack.

I hope you enjoy, and come along for a spot of track & field trundling with me over the coming months.